I feel like a 12 year old girl starting her first diary. It took years to retrain my brain not to introduce myself to every new one. But you are not a diary who knows my mind and I did not include all the boring stuff on my story page. All the advice was to be fun and memorable and don’t worry about the facts of boring life. Get people to like you!
But I want you to know me. The good, the bad and sometimes very boring. So perhaps just a quick paragraph? I am mom to four, going through my second divorce. My kids range from 11-20 (I had to think about that) and it is such a different world when your kids are all out of toddlerhood. I changed diapers for 12 years straight (all late potty trainers). I am 39 years old. I have had many jobs but no careers. I work full time and this creative endeavor is my next step in sharing my art and projects and stories.
I am a fabulous procastinator, a plant killer, a cookbook reader, a beginner of many ideas (many of which don’t make it off the page), an avid reader, a home maker but not cleaner, an over user of parentheses, and I drink way too much coffee.
That seems like a good beginning. If you want to check out my instagram at @saltandstarofsam or sign up for my newsletter below. It’s brand new and I’m hoping to keep it very different from what I share here. But only time will tell. I might only have so many words and thoughts.